The Hosmer Gallery closes at 6pm on Arts Night Out.
Opening Reception on January 7th from 2-4:30pm.
A Mosaic Journey, Peregrinations On Being Human In this body of work I reflect on our collective selves, highlighting our curiosity, creativity and quest for knowledge. And yet – our anthropocentric world view is bringing about catastrophic environmental destruction. What does our future hold?
Photographs This exhibit is a collection of abstract details of two subjects that I photograph frequently these days: trees and stone. What fascinates me in particular is how often these elements manifest in such similar ways; the wood and the stone can often almost seem of the same substance.
Mosaic-Fusion Paintings I see my color, mosaic shapes, as hanging on a kind of black-lined frame or web, not unlike music notes, hanging on a staff. The web-like structure generally centers around an animal, person, or landscape, which fits it into the dynamic flow in nature.